SwedCham is proud to present the first G8 (G for gender) Inter-Chamber Series 2018 on Career Women Forward, showcasing strong, professional women in our own community. It is a joint initiative together with AmCham China, China-Australia Chamber of Commerce, Benelux Chamber of Commerce, British Chamber of Commerce & China Britain Business Council, Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China and Finnish Business Council Beijing.
Each session invites an Ambassador's spouse or an Ambassador to share insights on two subjects:
Her own career path - lessons she has learnt, and advice for Chinese women
Government policies to promote gender diversity and women career advancement - current policies in the respective government, and policies that can potentially be.
In the first G8 series for this year, we are honored and delighted to have Ms Anna Lindstedt, Ambassador of Sweden to the People's Republic of China. Ambassador Lindstedt will share her journey as an inspiring career woman. What are the lessons learnt and tips she wished she knew? How to progress forward with knowledge and expertise, confidence and ambition, and elegance, if possible? What are policies that a government, a company, and an individual can undertake to make that difference? Join us to listen to Ambassador Anna Lindstedt insights from her own career.