Recent events such a the COVID-19 pandemic and longer lasting issues such as global warming have caused many companies to re-consider their strategies and KPI's. The idea that profitability must be achieved in a way that contributes to society instead of compromising it has spread like wildfire among leaders in the field of corporate social responsibility.

During this seminar, three speakers will give their input on altruism, corporate social responsibility, and further business needs in an effort to see how business can serve the greater good whilst still being able to work profits. Ferry Rebergen will elaborate on the concept of stewardship and the need to work the so-called 'Triple Bottom Line'. Ms. Becky Wang from Roundabout Charity Store will explain in a case study how Roundabout works together with corporate donors. Finally, Ms. Lan Lan from PwC will introduce a big corporate's CSR (corporate social responsibility) efforts and work out in detail how cooperation with NGOs takes place.

The Benelux Chamber is co-organizing this luncheon together with SwissCham Beijing at the pleasant settings of George's Restaurant in Hotel Éclat. Conforming to the topic of the day, the menu options will be turned around and as standard a tasty vegan set menu will be presented. If you would however prefer a more traditional beef or fish option, that can be arranged on request.


Hotel Eclat Beijing
Dong Da Qiao Road No. 9
Parkview Green

Beijing, China

北京怡亨酒店 / 北京市朝阳区东大桥9号 100020

See route

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